
Legislation on religious activities and religious bodies

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The LEGIREL website gives access to EU Member States’ legislation on religious activities and religious bodies, to the EU provisions relating to religious issues and to the international texts on religious freedom.

The website presently includes more than 600 texts in force, regularly updated. National provisions are given in their original language or, when possible, in English or French for the most significant.

The website is managed by the team Droits et religions of the research unit DRES of the University of Strasbourg and the CNRS. It is updated by Françoise Curtit and managed by Christophe Lemius.

Directors of publication
Vincente Fortier (DRES Droit, religion, entreprise et société)
MISHA - Allée du général Rouvillois
67083 STRASBOURG cedex , Tél. : +33 (0)3 88 41 63 15

Direction des Systèmes d’Information du CNRS