
Legislation on religious activities and religious bodies


Religious denominations

  •  Loi du 4 mars 1870 modifiée sur le temporel des cultes
  •  Loi du 17 avril 1985 portant reconnaissance des administrations chargées de la gestion du culte orthodoxe
  •  Décret du 7 mai 2004 relatif à l’organisation matérielle et au fonctionnement des cultes reconnus (Région flamande)

  • Bulgaria
  •  Constitution of the Republic of Bulgaria of 12 July 1991. Extracts
  •  Religious Denominations Act

  • Cyprus
  •  Constitution. Appendix D. Constitution of the Republic of Cyprus. Articles 2, 18, 20, 28, 59, 70, 87, 101, 108 to 111
  •  Marriage Law 104(I) of 2003

  • European Union
  •  Joint Declaration concerning Mount Athos. Documents concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Communities. Final Act
  •  Agreement on the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders signed at Schengen on 19 June 1990, to which the Italian Republic acceded by the Agreement signed at Paris on 27 November 1990, and to which the Kingdom of Spain and the Hellenic Republic acceded by the Agreements signed at Bonn on 25 June 1991. Final Act (extract)
  •  Declaration n. 59 by Greece concerning the Declaration on the status of churches and nonconfessional organisations. Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts Declarations of which the Conference took note

  • Finland
  •  Act on Equality between Women and Men (609/1986). Sections 1 and 2(1)
  •  Basic Education Act (628/1998). Sections 13 and 46(3)
  •  Marriage Act (234/1929). Sections 10 and 14 to 17

  • Greece
  •  Constitution of Greece of 9 June 1975. Articles 3, 5, 13, 14, 16, 18, 33, 59, 105
  •  Loi 590/1977 du 25 mai 1977 relative à la charte statutaire de l’Eglise de Grèce. Articles 1 à 3, 42, 43, 46
  •  Joint Declaration concerning Mount Athos. Documents concerning the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the European Communities. Final Act
  •  Agreement on the accession of the Hellenic Republic to the Convention implementing the Schengen Agreement of 14 June 1985 between the Governments of the States of the Benelux Economic Union, the Federal Republic of Germany and the French Republic on the gradual abolition of checks at their common borders signed at Schengen on 19 June 1990, to which the Italian Republic acceded by the Agreement signed at Paris on 27 November 1990, and to which the Kingdom of Spain and the Hellenic Republic acceded by the Agreements signed at Bonn on 25 June 1991. Final Act (extract)
  •  Declaration n. 59 by Greece concerning the Declaration on the status of churches and nonconfessional organisations. Treaty of Amsterdam amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts Declarations of which the Conference took note

  • Hungary
  •  Act CCVI of 2011 on the right to freedom of conscience and religion and the legal status of churches, denominations and religious communities of Hungary

  • Italy
  •  Legge 30 luglio 2012, n. 126, Norme per la regolazione dei rapporti tra lo Stato e la Sacra arcidiocesi ortodossa d’Italia ed Esarcato per l’Europa Meridionale, in attuazione dell’articolo 8, terzo comma, della Costituzione

  • Latvia
  •  Law on religious organisations of 7 September 1995, as amended

  • Lithuania
  •  Law I-1057 on religious communities and associations of 4 October 1995, as amended

  • Luxemburg
  •  Loi du 10 juillet 1998 portant approbation de la Convention du 31 octobre 1997 entre le Gouvernement, d’une part, et l’Eglise Orthodoxe Hellénique du Luxembourg, d’autre part
  •  Loi du 11 juin 2004 autorisant l’État à prendre en charge les traitements et pensions des ministres du culte des Églises Orthodoxes Roumaine et Serbe du Luxembourg et conférant la personnalité juridique de droit public auxdites Églises

  • Romania
  •  Law 489/2006 on the freedom of religion and the general status of denominations

  • Slovenia
  •  Agreement of 9 July 2004 on the legal status of the Serbian Orthodox Church