
Legislation on religious activities and religious bodies

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1976 Act on the legal position of religious communities in the Republic of Slovenia, as amended

(Abrogated by Religious Freedom Act of 2 February 2007, except the provisions of Article 20)

U. l. SRS n. 15/1976 (amended by U. l. SRS 42/86, U. l. RS 22/91)

Article 1

Republic of Slovenia ensures freedom of religion.
Profession of religion is a private matter of each individual.
Anyone in Republic of Slovenia is free to profess any religion and belong to any religious community which does not violate the constitutional order.

Article 2

Citizens are free, according to this Act, to establish religious communities.
All religious communities are equal before the Law.
Religious communities are free to perform their religious acts.

Article 3

Religious communities are separated from the State.
Activities of religious communities may not violate the Constitution, statutes and other regulation.

Article 4

Citizens may not be deprived of any rights because of their religious beliefs or their commitments to any religious communities.
Religious communities, their representatives and their members may not be privileged.
Commitments to a religious community or religious beliefs do not excuse from general citizen, military and other duties in accordance with the Law.

Article 5

It is prohibited to misuse of religion, religious acts, classical education, religious press or any other religious performance for political means.
It is prohibited to spread religious intolerance and hatred.
It is prohibited to prevent religious meetings, religious education and other types of religious expressions.

Article 6

Establishment and cessation of a religious community shall be registered to the Office for religious communities.

Article 7

Religious communities are legal entities according to Civil law.
Acts of religious communities do not have any legal powers.
Degrees and diplomas of religious schools are public documents in accordance with the Law.

Article 8

It is prohibited to force anyone to become a member of any religious community.
It is prohibited to force anyone to participate in religious ceremonies or to express religious beliefs.

Article 9

Religious communities and their organs are free to publish and distribute press for religious education, religious ceremonies or for internal use.
Publications and distribution is regulated with general media provisions.

Article 10


Article 11

Persons studying for clergy are entitled to equal health insurance and other social securities as other students.

Article 12

Religious acts can be executed in churches and other places designed for religious ceremonies.
Religious community is obliged to report to State authority which places are meant for religious ceremonies.
Religious ceremonies on funerals must be performed at cemeteries according to special regulations of local communities.
State authorities are authorized to prohibit religious ceremonies due to threats to public health and public order.

Article 13

Religious ceremonies outside the foreseen places defined in art. 12 can be allowed by the Ministry of interior.

Article 14

Religious education may be performed only in places that are meant for religious ceremonies and other places where a religious community exercises religious activities. A minor is required to consent and to gain prior consent of his parents in order to attend religious education.

Article 15

Religious wedding can be performed only after the civil wedding.

Article l6

Persons in hospitals, nursing facilities and other closed institutions can be visited by priests who are free to perform religious ceremonies in the institution.
The religious ceremony defined above is ought to be performed according to internal rules.

Article 17

Religious communities are financed out of their incomes.
Religious communities are free to manage their own means.
Contributions for religious purposes can be collected only in places foreseen for religious ceremonies.
No one can be forced to contribute for religious purposes.
Priests can receive customary financial awards only on voluntary basis.

Article 18

Religious communities enjoy property rights according to the Law.

Article 19

Church bells can be used also to announce public danger.

Article 20

Local communities are free to financially support religious communities.
Religious communities are free to manage their financial means.

Article 21

The following acts are punishable as misdemeanours.
1. Misuse of religion or religious practice in political means and spread of hatred.
2. Prevention of religious practice which is in accordance with Law.
3. Prevention of religious freedoms that are guaranteed by the Law.
4. Failure to registration an establishment of religious community in accordance with art. 6.
5. Spreading press which is not intended for religious education or religious ceremonies.
6. Performing religious ceremonies in closed institutions without prior permission.

Article 22

This Act derogates the Fundamental act on legal position of religious communities (Official Gazette of the FLR Yugoslavia, no. 22/53 and Official Gazette of the SFR of Yugoslavia, no. 10/65).
Church degrees and diplomas are herewith public documents.

Article 23

This Act enters into force 8 days after its publication in the Official Gazette.

(Traduction : Rok LAMPE, European Centre for Ethnic, Regional and Sociological Studies, University of Maribor, Slovenia)