
Législation concernant les activités religieuses et l’organisation des cultes

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Chaplain service regulations

Latvijas Vestnesis, 05.07.2002, n. 101

Regulations n. 277 issued by Cabinet of Ministers on 2nd July, 2002
Issued in accordance with the fifth part, clause 14 of Religious Organisations Law

Article 1

Regulations regulate chaplain service activity in Latvian Republic.

Article 2

Chaplains provide individual right for freedom of religion provided by the Code of Laws of Latvian Republic, Religious Organisations Law and International Agreements pertaining to human rights in the field of religion.

Article 3

None of the institutions has right to enrol chaplains and require that they should disclose confidential information connected with their direct official duties.

Article 4

Chaplain is a citizen of Latvian Republic or a person registered in Residents Register who obtained theological education in the appropriate religion association (church) ecclesiastic educational establishment.

Article 5

Board of Latvian Evangelical Lutheran Churches, Riga Methropolyte Rome Catholic Curias, Latvian Orthodox Churches, Latvian Old Believers Church Central Counsel, Latvian Associated Methodist Churches, Latvian Baptist Community Association, Seventh Day Adventist Latvian Community Association, Riga Jewish Religion Community and International God Community Latvian Trinity Community Association (hereinafter referred to as religious association (church)) can propose persons as Chaplains.

Article 6

Chaplain appointment is confirmed by National Armed Forces commander or board of places of imprisonment, or administration of airports, sea ports or land transport stations, or administration of institutions providing medical services or social services (further in text - appropriate institutions) upon agreeing upon with the Board of Religious Affairs.

Article 7

Decisions on chaplain service is taken by administration of appropriate institutions.

Article 8

Administration of appropriate institutions concludes with religious association (church) ecclesiastical service agreement and informs of that the Board of Religious Affairs.

Article 9

Chaplains act in accordance with the present Regulations and other normative acts. Rules and regulations of appropriate institutions are binding upon chaplains.

Article 10

National Armed Forces Chaplain provides ecclesiastical service for personnel of National Armed Forces.

Article 11

National Armed Forces Chaplains, being military persons, start professional military service in National Armed Forces and carry it out under their free will according to procedure provided by normative acts. Chaplains do not carry guns.

Article 12

National Armed Forces Chaplains are given service ranks.

Article 13

National Armed Forces Chaplains’ activity is supervised by the Chief Chaplain of National Armed Forces, who administratively is directly subordinated to the Commander of National Armed Forces.

Article 14

National Armed Forces chaplains are subordinated to the Head of military structural unit (unit commander) in administrative questions, to National Armed Forces Chief Chaplain – in questions connected with chaplain activity, to appropriate religious organisation Higher Holiness – in questions connected with religion.

Article 15

Chaplains at places of imprisonment give ecclesiastical service to personnel of places of imprisonment, conviction or confinement, morally supports and consults on religious and ethical questions, makes arrangements for moral upbringing.

Article 16

Structure of chaplain service at places of confinement is determined by the board of the places of confinement upon agreeing that upon with the Board of Religious Affairs.

Article 17

Chaplains of airports, sea ports and land transport stations render ecclesiastical service to personnel of airports, sea ports and land transport stations, giving moral support and necessary consultations on religious questions within its competence.

Article 18

Chaplains of institutions of medical and social services render ecclesiastical service to personnel and clients of institutions of medical and social services, giving them moral support and necessary consultations connected with religious questions within its competence.

Article 19

Chaplains’ activity is provided financially, materially and technically by the appropriate state or self-governmental institution within framework of budgetary means, or by religious organisation.

(Translation : Ringolds Balodis, University of Latvia, Faculty of Law)